Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Going Bedouin !

Livin in dubai , i dont think anyone needs a primer on the traffic conditions ......the less said the better :-)

I start off from home at sharjah ( A neighbouring state theoritically but then its more or less like a suburb to dubai ) at 7 in the morning so that i can make it to my office in DMC at 9.

I think its time a lot of us in dubai go bedouin ( No pun intended ) :-)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

RSS is here !

Ok this has taken a long while in coming .....

RSS feeds although a 4-5 year old concept has really revolutionised the way people consume digital content.Although its been a a buzz word in the digital media circles for the last few years it was never seen as a mass vehicle for advertising like email or content.
But the fact that its gonna be integarted into a browser jus flips this qualm all the way aroun ...

Mozilla Firefox had this cool function ( infact this was the clincher that made me shift my office surfing to fox ! )

and now the guys at redmond have realised and added it on to the IE7 ....the sheer size of IE ( more than 80%) make this a D day for the world of RSS !

Also dont forget to checkout the IE7 its a pretty nifty thing and seems like its gonna give some fight to the cool fox !

check out what steve rubels got to say .....